143 Figueroa Street
Ventura, CA 93001
(805) 641-9300
Biden-Harris Parole Program for Spouses of U.S. Citizens and their Children - What You Need To Know
Have you. . .
Lived in the United States without interruption since June of 2014?
Were you married to a U.S. Citizen on June 17, 2024?
Or, are you under 21 and one of your parents was married to a U.S. citizen on June 17, 2024?
How to prepare:
Gather documents that prove you have been in the United States since at least June of 2014 until now (tax filings, pay stubs, bank records, car titles, school records, etc.)
Get a copy of your current marriage certificate, or the marriage certificate of your parent with your step-parent from the County Clerk’s office
Review your criminal records - if you were ever arrested in Ventura County, contact the Fresh Start Program at the Ventura County Public Defender’s Office (805) 654-2201
Save up! The fee will likely be about $630.00
There is still no process to apply! Applications will open on August 19, 2024, and not before.
Protect yourself from fraud: consult a licensed attorney or a non-profit accredited representative
If you have been a victim of fraud call (805) 765-5514 to reach the District Attorney’s Office to report this crime
Come to Swap Meet Justice - Last Sunday of every month, FREE, at Oxnard College Swap Meet. Find us right outside the Gym!
Serving Immigration Clients Worldwide
Sirviendo Clientes de Inmigración de Todo el Mundo
As a graduate of Stanford University and Stanford Law, Vanessa opened her own immigration law firm where she advocates for and represents families who seek to be reunited or to stay together. Vanessa has received multiple awards and recognition for her commitment to being a community-based lawyer, most recently being honored as Ventura County Woman of the Year in 2020 and Ben E. Nordman Public Service award from the Ventura County Bar Association in 2021.
Como graduada de la Universidad de Stanford y Stanford Law, Vanessa abrió su propio bufete de abogados de inmigración donde aboga y representa a las familias que buscan reunirse o permanecer juntas. Vanessa ha recibido múltiples premios y reconocimientos por su compromiso de ser una abogada comunitaria, más recientemente fue honrada como Mujer del Año del Condado de Ventura en 2020 y el premio al Servicio Público Ben E. Nordman de la Asociación de Abogados del Condado de Ventura en 2021.
The Law Office of Vanessa Frank engages immigrants and their allies with their own power
to achieve and defend human dignity in the United States and beyond.